True Water Vision
An online, ongoing newsletter magazine covering the news, events and features of Vera Aqua Vera Vita.
The Real Impact of VAVV’s #GivingTuesday2021
GivingTuesday, Nov. 30, will be a day to celebrate generosity on a global scale, - help VAVV a be a force for good as we empower communities in developing countries to generate clean water and sanitation solutions that bring True Water True Life! Learn about the impact we could have with a successful #GivingTuesday2021 by reading this article!
International Travel to Peru is Back!
Beginning on October 1, Peru has begun Phase IV of their plans to reopen the country and reactivate the economy with the allowing of International Flights being one of the biggest changes occurring… This is, also, good news for Vera Aqua Vera Vita and our mission to bring the gift of True Water True Life to the people of Peru…